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发布时间:2018-01-03    598   


Introduction: This year, three physicists were awarded the Nobel Prize for their work in the area of gravitational waves. They are Rainer Weiss, Barry Barish and Kip Thorne. 

All three of them have contributed massively to the physics important to the understanding of the universe. Weiss is a professor at MIT, Barish and Thorne both used to work at CalTech, and Thorne still does scientific research and consulting (most notably for the film Interstellar from Christopher Nolan). They came to Shanghai in December and we had the luck to interview them, courtesy of Professor Pan, so here are the conversations we had. 

We came back with a fresh understanding of what science truly meant. 




Tanya: I’m a big fan of Interstellar, and in the movie there was lots of scenes on wormholes. I wonder if this concept is feasible in real life? 


Kip Thorne: So, a number of theoretical physicists have tried to figure out whether wormholes are truly possible. And then, in conclusion, after several decades of continuous work on this beginning from 1985, my guess is that we don't know. I’m almost sure that it cannot occur naturally - so if they can occur at all they must be created by an advanced civilization. And my guess is, even an advanced civilization could not make them. But this is only a guess - we haven’t figured it out yet. 


Michael: I also have a question about when someone is getting closer to the blackhole, I mean after they crossed the horizon, will they be drawn back in time? 


Kip Thorne: So the time you experience slows if you hover over the black hole, when you don’t move, the time slows. But if you’re moving, the time slows at a different rate. You don’t feel the time slowing, but you can compare with the rest of the universe. 

But since you’re inside the black hole, somebody outside can’t see you.  So they cannot see how your time is slowing. But you can see the external universe, and when you compare your clock with the external universe if you’re inside the black hole, and you’re falling in, then your clock ticks more slowly. But the strange thing that happens is that if you’re inside the black hole the direction which time flows is towards the center. You think that’s a space direction, that’s really a time direction towards the center of the black hole. And that you can only move forward in time, but cannot move backwards, you are forced to move towards the center of the black hole. So moving back out, you’d be moving backwards in time. So that’s the strange thing that happens to time inside the black hole. It’s sort of weird. 




Michael: So that’s very interesting, the black holes, the neutrino stars, even the particle physics… 


Kip Thorne: These things are predicted by Einstein’s theory of relativity, and its took a long time for physicists to really understand what the mathematics were saying physically. So this is our understanding now, and it’s really confusing. 


Zhining: I mean, that in a rapidly developing world right now, lots of things are happening. If you could invent or un-invent anything in the world right now, what would it be and why? 


Kip: I think it is better to ask the experimenters here; they are the real inventors. 


Rainer: Oh lord. Un-invent, I don’t really understand. 


Kip: It’s to make it disappear. 


Rainer: Oh, ok. To un- invent, I’d really like to un- invent the atomic bomb. But I’d invent a lot of things. I’d like to invent a better way of making measurements than we now make, if you could do it. By that I mean, even more precisely. That would make life a lot more easier - we don’t have to build a thing so long (LIGO facility). 


Eugene: Um, so, how do you think science has affected your life? 


Kip: How has science affected your life? 


Rainer: It took me most of my time. 


Barry: I think that it changes the way you see the world - its more orderly, and you are used to ask ing more questions. And I think it affects your life more generally rather than doing the science yourself from the way you think of it. 


Zhining: With proving and detecting gravitational waves, how do you think that it’d affect ordinary people like us? 


Barry: Probably not at all. It’s how you think of the world around you. The kind of research we do is to understand nature, the physical world. So we don’t ask questions about how this may change our lives, or make a new product, just to understand how nature works. 

I think that seeing how it would affect the world would be a misleading way to think of it, while some research did have a significant affect on the world. But that’s another individual topic. In my career, I've been close to a couple developments that people did just to understand nature, and it had a big affect on us. One was called stimulated emission which was actually predicted in Einstein’s day. And there was experiments that shows the science that created lasers. We didn't know when the science was done that it’d create lasers, but now lasers are used in everything. 

A second one was done in laboratories that was near where I was working was a phenomenon called Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Both of these led to Nobel Prizes. The Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, again, has no obvious use, but now it is used in MRI, a scanning device. 

But when it was done, it was just totally for science. Other important scientific advances, some of the most important experiments, had no application at all. So what to appreciate was to understand nature better, we do get advances, but it is misleading to ask what its affects may be. 








